Nov 17 | SIMS Student Workshop 2024 application starts! |
Aug 13-18 | 86th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society at UCLA |
Aug 12 | Mark and Kevin’s retirement Bash!! |
July 1 | Kirkpatrick H. M., Harrison T. M., Ibañez-Mejia M., Tissot F. L. H., MacLennan S. A., and Bell E. A. (2023) Temperature and co-crystallization effects on Zr isotopes. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 352, 69-85 ( |
May 15 | Vogt M., Schwarz W.H., Schmitt A.K., Schmitt J., Trieloff M., Harrison T.M., and Bell E. A. (2023) Graphitic inclusions in zircon from Early Phanerozoic S-type granite: Implications for the preservation of Hadean biosignatures. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 349, 23-40 ( |
May 12 | Dunham E. T., Sheikh A., Opara D., Matsuda N., Liu M.-C., and McKeegan K. D. (2023) Calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions in non-carbonaceous chondrites: Abundances, sizes, and mineralogy. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 58, 643-671 ( |
May 1 | Harrison T. M. (2023) On a scientific approach for deep time investigations. Perspectives of Earth and Space Scientists 4 ( |
March 27 | Marin-Carbonne J., McKeegan K. D., Davis A. M., MacPherson G. J., Mendybaev R. A., and Richter F. M. (2023) In situ oxygen, magnesium, and silicon isotopic compositions of the FUN inclusion Vigarano 1623-5 ( |
March 20 | Yamaguchi A., Tomioka N., Ito M., Shirai N., Kimura M., Greenwood R. C., Liu M.-C., McCain K. A., Matsuda N., et al. (2023) Insight into multi-step geological evolution of C-type asteroids from Ryugu particles. Nature Astronomy 7, 398-405 ( |
March 16 | Hayabusa2 study by Ph2K team (including our SIMS lab) was featured in the Griffith observatory show |
January 18 | UCLA Press Release about Ryugu sample (Hayabusa 2 mission) |
January 12 | McCain K. A., Matsuda N., Liu M.-C., McKeegan K. D., et al. (2023) Early fluid activity on Ryugu inferred by isotopic analyses of carbonates and magnetite. Nature Astronomy 6, 1163-1171 ( |
January | Cavole L. M., Limburg K.E., Gallo N.D., Salvanes A. G. V., Ramírez-Valdez A., Levin L. A., Oropeza O. A., Hertwig A., Liu M.-C., and McKeegan K. D. (2023) Otoliths of marine fishes record evidence of low oxygen, temperature and pH conditions of deep Oxygen Minimum Zones. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 191, 103941 ( |